Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well Mick, please don't pass out, but here is a new update! Things are going pretty good...except yesterday I stepped on one of Kyla's earrings. It stuck in my foot and bled EVERYWHERE. It happened right before my mom came home. Taylee and Alyssa were here, Taylee almost passed out because of the blood. I was tending Kyla and she was freaking scared her pretty bad. When my mom got home, we weren't sure if all of the earring had come out, but it did. I have a really sore foot today...but I think I'll survive. NOT. By the way, we are having a discussion at my house about texting. If I get my Faith In God award at Church, my mom said I can have a cell phone for my birthday in March. This is where we need your help. Do you think that I should get to have texting? Please comment. I think it is okay, but my mom has some questions...Thanks for your input!!!